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Regional and local leaders welcome granting of EU candidate status to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova
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    In the Regions - Press Releases

    Regional and local leaders welcome granting of EU candidate status to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova

    June 27, 2022

    The following is a press release:

    The European Committee of the Regions expresses its full and unequivocal support to the decision taken today by the EU Heads of State and Government to grant EU candidate status to Ukraine and to the Republic of Moldova. This important signal of political support will encourage our Ukrainian and Moldovan partners to advance on the way of democracy, the rule of law, and ability to provide a safe future for their citizens.

    The European Committee of the Regions has been actively supporting Ukraine on its democratic path. Since 2015, it has been providing advice on the decentralisation reform, which proved to be one of the most successful endeavours, strengthening local democracy and the overall resilience of the local communities in Ukraine. Our members remain united in showing solidarity and quick to provide humanitarian aid to their Ukrainian partners. EU cities and regions, particularly those at the border with Ukraine, have welcomed and continue to welcome millions of displaced people. Together, we are now discussing the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine.

    In March 2022, the European Committee of the Regions gave Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv and Head of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, honorary membership reflecting our support for Ukraine's EU candidature

    Now we stand ready to support the new candidate countries on the path of reforms that lay ahead, particularly in areas of local democracy, good governance and resilience. We call on the international community to contribute to the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine; together with EU associations and networks of cities and regions, we will provide targeted local expertise and advice, through the soon-to-be-launched "Ukraine Reconstruction Platform" led by the European Commission.

    We welcome President Sandu's reforms which paved the way for the Republic of Moldova accession process and we stand ready to further cooperate with Moldova's local authorities.

    We stand ready to set up Joint Consultative Committees with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova

    We are happy to welcome our Ukrainian and Moldovan partners in the European family!

    • Published: 27.06.2022 15:03
    • Preses relīze, LETA
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