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The Greens in the CoR take a strong position against nuclear power
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    In the Regions - Press Releases

    The Greens in the CoR take a strong position against nuclear power

    December 2, 2021

    The following is a press release:

    On Wednesday 1 December, the Greens in the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) adopted a statement in the light of the upcoming decision of the European Commission on the classification of sustainable investments. Classifying nuclear power as sustainable, and the promotion of nuclear power under the European Green Deal, is at odds with a climate-friendly, low-risk and sustainable EU energy policy.

    Nuclear power is not sustainable, as operations bear massive environmental and health risks, storing radioactive waste creates an infinite burden for future generations, and building and maintaining nuclear power plants require huge public investments. Operating nuclear power plants involve hazards that can make entire European regions and countries uninhabitable. Nuclear energy is at odds with the do no harm principle.

    Nuclear power is no longer competitive with renewable energy, which is quicker and cheaper to develop. During the Greens Group Meeting on 1 December, members of the group expressed serious concern about ongoing greenwashing of nuclear power. The Greens co-president Bernd Voss said:

    "The operation of nuclear power plants entails risks that can make entire regions and countries uninhabitable. It fundamentally contradicts the ‘do no harm’ principle and undermines the Taxonomy Regulation as a serious instrument."

    The Greens in the CoR support the petition addressed to EU Commission President von der Leyen and EU Commissioner Timmermans:

    • Published: 02.12.2021 10:41
    • Preses relīze, LETA
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