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  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732895
    Representatives of the Progressive Party - Saeima deputy Andris ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732896
    Representatives of the Progressive Party - Saeima deputy Andris ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732897
    Representatives of the Progressive Party - Riga City Council MP ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732898
    Representatives of the Progressive Party - Saeima Secretary Antoņina ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732899
    Representatives of the Greens and Peasants Union, Saeima deputies ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732900
    Representatives of the Greens and Peasants Union before a meeting at ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732901
    Andris Šuvajevs (centre), representative of the Progressives party, ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732902
    Representatives of the Progressive Party - Saeima deputy Kaspars ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732903
    Representatives of the Progressive Party - Saeima Secretary Antoņina ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732904
    Prime Minister-designate Evika Siliņa arrives for a meeting at which ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732905
    Representatives of the New Unity party - Minister of Justice Inese ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732906
    Edmunds Cepurītis (left), representative of the Progressive Party, ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732907
    Representatives of the New Unity party - Minister of Justice Inese ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732908
    Representatives of the party "New Unity" - Parliamentary Secretary to ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732909
    A meeting of the future coalition formed by "New Unity", the Greens ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732910
    Representatives of the party "New Unity" - Parliamentary Secretary to ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732922
    Representatives of the Greens and Peasants Union - MPs Armands Krauze ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732923
    Minister of Justice Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, representative of the party ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732924
    Uldis Augulis, representative of the Greens and Peasants Union, and ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732925
    Viktors Valainis (right), representative of the Greens and Peasants ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732926
    Representatives of the Progressive Party - MP Kaspars Briškens and ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732927
    Representatives of the party "New Unity" - Parliamentary Secretary to ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732928
    Andris Šuvajevs (from left), a representative of the Progressives ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732929
    Andris Šuvajevs (from left), a representative of the Progressives ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732930
    Viktors Valainis, representative of the Greens and Peasants Union, ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732931
    Andris Šuvajevs, a representative of the Progressives party, attends ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732932
    Evika Siliņa, representative of the party "New Unity", candidate for ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732933
    Evika Siliņa, representative of the party "New Unity" and candidate ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732934
    Evika Siliņa, representative of the party "New Unity" and candidate ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732935
    Andris Šuvajevs (from left), a representative of the Progressives ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732936
    Evika Siliņa, representative of the party "New Unity" and candidate ...
  • LETA 04.09.2023 ID: 24732937
    Andris Šuvajevs (from left), a representative of the Progressives ...
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