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  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784520
    Jānis Abāšins (right), Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784521
    Agris Daukste, Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784522
    Juris Stengrevics, Member of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784523
    Agris Daukste, Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784524
    Jānis Abāšins, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784525
    Agris Daukste, Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784526
    Agris Daukste, Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784527
    Jānis Abāšins, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784528
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784529
    Juris Stengrevics, Member of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784530
    Juris Stengrevics, Member of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784531
    Juris Stengrevics, Member of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784532
    Jānis Abāšins, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784533
    Jānis Abāšins, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784534
    Jānis Abāšins (left), Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784535
    Jānis Abāšins, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784536
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784537
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784538
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784539
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784540
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784541
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784542
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784543
    Jānis Abāšins, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784544
    Jānis Abāšins (left), Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784545
    Jānis Abāšins, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor Insurers' ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784546
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784547
    Agris Daukste (left), Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784548
    Jānis Abāšins (left), Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784549
    Agris Daukste, Head of the IT Department of the Latvian Motor ...
  • LETA 27.06.2024 ID: 24784550
    Jānis Abāšins (left), Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Motor ...
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