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  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752851
    Zlata Elksnina-Zaščirinska, Chairwoman of the Board of the Foreign ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752852
    Zlata Elksnina-Zaščirinska, Chairwoman of the Board of the Foreign ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752853
    Zlata Elksnina-Zaščirinska, Chairwoman of the Board of the Foreign ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752854
    President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs (left) and Deputy Chairman of ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752855
    President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs (left) and Deputy Chairman of ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752856
    Irēna Emīlia Švilpe (from left), Economic Adviser to the President of ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752857
    Reinholds Šneiders, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Foreign ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752858
    Irēna Emīlia Švilpe (from left), Economic Adviser to the President of ...
  • LETA 11.01.2024 ID: 24752859
    Irēna Emīlia Švilpe (from left), Economic Adviser to the President of ...
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