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  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739402
    Actress Daiga Gaismiņa-Šiliņa takes part in a press conference ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739403
    Actress Daiga Gaismiņa-Šiliņa takes part in a press conference ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739404
    Anna Sīle, organiser of the Baltic Drama Forum, takes part in a press ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739405
    Anna Sīle, organiser of the Baltic Drama Forum, takes part in a press ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739406
    Līga Ulberte, Head of the Performing Arts Department at the Latvian ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739407
    Curator of the Latvian Theatre Showcase Jevgēņija Šermeņeva takes ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739408
    Maija Pavlova, curator of the Latvian Theatre Showcase, takes part in ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739409
    Anna Sīle (left), organiser of the Baltic Drama Forum, and Maija ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739410
    Actress Daiga Gaismiņa-Šiliņa (from left), Baltic Drama Forum ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739411
    Līga Ulberte, Head of the Performing Arts Department at the Latvian ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739412
    Anna Sīle, organiser of the Baltic Drama Forum, takes part in a press ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739413
    Curator of the Latvian Theatre Showcase Jevgēņija Šermeņeva takes ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739414
    Anna Sīle, organiser of the Baltic Drama Forum, takes part in a press ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739415
    Anna Sīle (left), organiser of the Baltic Drama Forum, Maija Pavlova ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739416
    Baltic Drama Forum conference coordinator Lauma Mellēna-Bartkeviča ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739417
    Baltic Drama Forum conference coordinator Lauma Mellēna-Bartkeviča ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739418
    Maija Pavlova, curator of the Latvian Theatre Showcase, takes part in ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739419
    Maija Pavlova, curator of the Latvian Theatre Showcase, takes part in ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739420
    Curators of the Latvian Theatre Showcase Maija Pavlova (left) and ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739421
    Curator of the Latvian Theatre Showcase Jevgēņija Šermeņeva takes ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739422
    Actress Daiga Gaismiņa-Šiliņa takes part in a press conference ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739423
    Ojārs Rubenis, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Theatre ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739424
    Ojārs Rubenis, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Theatre ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739425
    Ojārs Rubenis, Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Theatre ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739426
    Actress Daiga Gaismiņa-Šiliņa takes part in a press conference ...
  • LETA 16.10.2023 ID: 24739427
    Actress Daiga Gaismiņa-Šiliņa takes part in a press conference ...
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