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  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728077
    Edvards Smiltēns, Co-Chairman of the Board of the party "United ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728078
    Co-Chairman of the Board of the United List, Speaker of the Saeima ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728079
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - Ilze Indriksone, Minister of the ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728080
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - Ilze Indriksone, Minister of the ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728081
    A representative of the United List, MP Igors Rajevs (left) and a ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728082
    Co-Chairman of the Board of the party "United List", Speaker of the ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728083
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - Ilze Indriksone, Minister of ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728084
    A representative of the United List, MP Igors Rajevs (left) and a ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728085
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - Uģis Mitrevics (from left), ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728086
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - Uģis Mitrevics, Member of the ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728087
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - Uģis Mitrevics, Member of the ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728088
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - "Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK" ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728089
    Co-Chairman of the Board of the party "United List", Speaker of the ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728090
    Co-Chairman of the Board of the party "United List", Speaker of the ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728091
    National Alliance "All Latvia!" - "Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK" and ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728092
    Representative of the party "New Unity", MP Jānis Reirs (from left), ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728093
    Jānis Reirs (from left), representative of the "New Unity" party, ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728094
    Representatives of the "New Unity" party - Minister of Welfare Evika ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728095
    Representatives of the "New Unity" party - Minister of Welfare Evika ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728096
    Representatives of the "New Unity" party - Minister of Welfare Evika ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728097
    Representatives of the "New Unity" party - Minister of Welfare Evika ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728098
    Representatives of the "New Unity" party - Minister of Welfare Evika ...
  • LETA 11.08.2023 ID: 24728099
    The representative of the party "New Unity", Prime Minister Krišjānis ...
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