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  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740633
    First Science Teachers' Day "Chemistry is among us" at Olainfarm AS.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740634
    Juris Bundulis (left), Chairman of the Board of Olainfarm AS, and ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740635
    Juris Bundulis, Chairman of the Board of Olainfarm AS, participates ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740636
    Juris Bundulis, Chairman of the Board of Olainfarm AS, participates ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740637
    First Science Teachers' Day "Chemistry is among us" at Olainfarm AS.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740638
    Kristaps Jaudzems, senior researcher at the Institute of Organic ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740639
    Kristaps Jaudzems, senior researcher at the Institute of Organic ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740640
    Kristaps Jaudzems, senior researcher at the Institute of Organic ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740641
    First Science Teachers' Day "Chemistry is among us" at Olainfarm AS.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740642
    Kristaps Jaudzems, senior researcher at the Institute of Organic ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740643
    Kristaps Jaudzems, senior researcher at the Institute of Organic ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740644
    AS "Olainfarm" logo.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740645
    Clinical and health psychologist, psychotherapist Inese Eliņa ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740646
    Clinical and health psychologist, psychotherapist Inese Eliņa ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740647
    Clinical and health psychologist, psychotherapist Inese Eliņa ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740648
    Chemistry teacher Vika Viktorija Kreitāle takes part in the first ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740649
    Minister of Education and Science Anda Čakša participates in the ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740650
    Minister of Education and Science Anda Čakša participates in the ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740651
    Minister of Education and Science Anda Čakša participates in the ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740652
    Linda Daniela, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740653
    Juris Bundulis, Chairman of the Board of Olainfarm AS, Linda Daniela, ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740654
    The event host, musician Jānis Pētersons, Chairman of the Board of ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740655
    The event was hosted by musician Jānis Pētersons, Juris Bundulis, ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740656
    The event was hosted by musician Jānis Pētersons, Juris Bundulis, ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740657
    Olainfarm scholarship holders, students of the University of Latvia ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740658
    Anna Liepiņa, a scholarship holder of AS "Olainfarm", student of the ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740659
    Tots Koķis, a scholarship holder of AS "Olainfarm", student of the ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740660
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740661
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740662
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740663
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740664
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740665
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740666
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740667
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740668
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740669
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740670
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740671
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740672
    Olainfarm production premises.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740673
    Andris Jegorovs, Member of the Board of Olainfarm AS, participates in ...
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740674
    JSC "Olainfarm" production site.
  • LETA 25.10.2023 ID: 24740675
    JSC "Olainfarm" production site.
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